Home SpainBarcelona Cerveseria Catalana, Barcelona

Cerveseria Catalana, Barcelona

by Krista

Cerveseria catalana

Cerveseria Catalana
Pla del Palau, 2
Barcelona 08003, Spain

Date of Last Visit
: Saturday, July 18th, 2009

The Victims: Rutton, Kainaz

The Damage: Rutton paid, the ass. I think it was about 40 euros.

The Background: Richard has suggested we load up on tapas before the wedding. I, in my fragile state (cava…), venture out into the Barcelona sunshine with Rutton and Kainaz, on our way to Cerveseria Catalana, one of Richard and Mireia’s favorite places. I’ve actually been here before, a few years earlier, when I was in town for Richard’s birthday. And it’s just like I remember. Bustling. Friendly. Loud. Fun. Locals and tourists, all mixed up.

Cerveseria catalana inside

The Entrance: There are no seats available. We put our name on the list and then we strategize the bar. I take the south end. Rutton the north. Then we stalk a poor British woman and her son who have finished their food, paid for their meal, but show no signs of leaving.

Olives and anchovies and tomatoes oh my

But they do leave and we take their seats. I’m all up for anything anchovy. And anything jamon. We just point and point and the food starts arriving. Everything arrives but the calamari, which we have to order about five times before someone actually delivers it. (And when it does arrive, it’s bland and rubbery. That Jose Luis place in Madrid was much better.)

Pimentos de padron again

The pimentos de padron are great, better than last night’s. But they could maybe use a little more salt. I don’t mind though. They’re green. And Spain is a land of seafood, meat, and potatoes. Anything green is a good thing.

The Verdict: I like it here. Are you going to walk out saying, “That was the best meal of my entire life?” Probably not. But are you going to eat well and cheaply? Probably so.

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Dawn 2009 -

Was it 40 Euros per person, or was that the bill for all of you? I’m going to Barcelona in September, so am compiling a list of (cheap) places to eat in advance 😀

Krista 2009 -

40 euros for all of us to eat!

The Ginger Gourmand 2009 -

Pimetos de padron….lovely! I’m a recent convert but have yet to get a really really hot one!

jessie 2009 -

Hm, I’ve never had pimientos since they look intimidating.

You should definitely submit some of your photos to http://www.donteatthatyet.com. Their goal is to create a visual restaurant review site with a template similar to that of tastespotting.

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