Home United KingdomLondon Pieminister on Upper Street

Pieminister on Upper Street

by Krista

Upper Street, outside St. Mary's Church

Date of Last Visit: Thursday, March 12th, 2009

The Background: I've just taken my Life in the UK test! And passed! In 4 minutes. (24 questions that I went through twice.) Really, citizens of Britain, you might want to consider raising the bar a bit.Just a little.

If you don't know what the Life in the UK test is, it's the first step towards either settlement (as in permanent residency) or citizenship. Here are some of the things that were on the test. I'm not even going to tell you the answers.

Are there more women than men in the U.K.?
Where does the Prime Minister live?
What is the legal drinking age?
Who is the Queen's heir?
Who is eligible for free dental care?
What is the maximum speed limit on a single carriageway?

Yes, for a second there, I thought I was taking my driving test.

But hey, on my way back into work (after a celebratory lunch at Ottolenghi), I passed this Pieminister cart on Upper Street. It's a bit new, I think. Part of me wonders if they really needed all that real estate–it's very big, isn't it?–but hey, it's still a fun idea. Must check opening hours.

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MT 2009 -

i see they are also at the farmers market off upper st on Sundays, Chicken of Aragon and deer stalker… hahahaha, just give me the pie!

rich 2009 -

Pieminister…utter genius. Why do I never think of things like that?

I too have taken the UK citizenship test read out to me by a Ukrainian friend and passenger whilst I was driving. I failed, despite having lived here for 35 years, man and boy, as they say.

My excuse is that I’m a careful driver and my full attention was on the road.

She passed. First time.

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