Home Blogger Profiles Profiling…Ute from Hungry in London

Profiling…Ute from Hungry in London

by Krista

Foto london_HunryinLondon
While I take a little holiday from London,
restaurants, and blogging, here are some profiles of other bloggers you
should get to know! (London and elsewhere.) I'll be back in June.

Your name and location?
Ute, London!

Your blog?
Hungry in London

What was your last meal out? How was it?
Went to Song Que yesterday and was happy to see that they have a new, very pretty toilet!

Lotus salad lovely, so was the spicy prawn soup. The Vietnamese omelet was slightly too greasy for my taste, won't order this one again.

What's been your worst meal ever?
I recently went to Rossopomodoro in Covent Garden, ended up there by mistake and a mistake it was indeed! Absolutely appalling food and service.

I am sure I have had even worse food on several occasions but I seem to have a selective memory only remembering the pleasurable experiences.

What's been the most commented post on your blog? Why?
Ohh I don't have any comments yet… 🙁 I hope this is because I am new and this will change…?

Got any restaurant pet peeves? Things you really wish restaurants would/wouldn't do?
I don't like when they fill up my already full wine glass. very annoying. and also service charge on the bill I could happily live without. I prefer to give when the service was good.

When and why did you start your blog?
I am very new, I only started 5 weeks ago but I am very enthusiastic about the whole thing.

Why? I love food and I am eating out so much – I feel this is something I want to share with my potential readers.

Any food trends you're seeing that we should be aware of?
I don't know really, I am usually not really following trends. In the end, they come and go but what stays is quality.

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1 comment

HungryinLondon 2010 -

Hi Krista,

thanks a lot for profiling me on your lovely website! very much appreciated and hope you have a great holiday 🙂


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