I watched this Bette Davis movie over the holidays and it was so very charming. Bette Davis is luminous in it. Lovely. Her eyes really do shimmer — and this is from 1942, before all those special effects and filters and crazy lenses and gazillion cameras. Now, Voyager is the way movies were meant to be, although I really could do without the soundtrack after a while.
And although I read something snippy the other day about my homeslice Walt Whitman (Long Island, New York, my people), I’d still like to quote him here:
The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted, Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
Happy 2014, my friends. Sail forth, to seek and to find.
1 comment
One of my favorite films. I highly recommend you watch Bette Davis in Dark Victory, she will break your heart in it.
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