Look! Site redesign! Mobile-friendly! Magazine slider! Can you believe it? Do you know how hard I worked on this? TOO HARD. But I was worried Google was penalizing me because of my lack of mobile-friendliness. So it had to happen.
So there’s uh more goddamned ads to pay for all of it. Don’t hate me. I’m just experimenting. Some will disappear soon.
How is everyone? I have so much to tell you! I went to Cambodia! And Malaysia! And Vietnam! I heart Cambodia. More to come on all that shortly I hope once I get my act together. (Hah.)
Here’s where I’ve been eating in London lately…forgive me for staying close but it’s been an intense few months and I’m all about efficiency these days.
Breddos, Clerkenwell: I’m trying to remember what used to be in this little place on Goswell Road. God knows I walked by it practically every day for 5.5 years. But my mind is blank. I like Breddos. I like the vibe, the design, and the music. (REALLY liked the music. Old school. New school. Does Breddos have a Spotify playlist because I want it.) I like the chirpy staff. I’m not quite sure my chilaquiles qualified as chilaquiles but the dish was still somewhat snacky. The baja fish tacos were what I was there for anyhow and I had one and I enjoyed it. You know what I also like about Breddos? The PLATES. Guys, they look like tacos. I see what you’ve done there, Breddos! Also, the loo is very nice. The Verdict: Try it. You’ll probably like it.
Panzo, Clerkenwell: You get a pizza and you get a pizza and you get a pizza! Panzo is all about the individually sized pizzas but I still think I could have split mine. The dough was particularly chewy — my TMJ started acting up again. Certainly not the lightness I expected after both Naples and Panzo’s own claims of lightness because of the double-cooked dough. The price was right though…£8.50 for a very generous pizza for one, in my opinion. Also pleasing, the decor. Someone has been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately. (Pink, copper, wood, cacti. All very 2016.) The Verdict: A good casual lunch option if you are in the neighborhood and need a party-pleaser.
Luca, Clerkenwell (See what I mean about staying close? Don’t judge.): So I walked into Luca and told the guy behind the bar about my last time at Porto, the place that used to be where Luca is. “I came in and sat down at the bar and then no one ever talked to me after that,” I say. “Well, let’s hope that won’t happen to you here at Luca,” the guy behind the bar says. Can you guess where this is going? I order my salad and pasta (it was fine) and he never spoke to me again. The Verdict: I’ll probably try this again and TEST THEM. Luca has also been spending a lot of time on Pinterest, just fyi.
The Lamb, Bloomsbury: This place was a trip. There were some well-dressed patrons seated here and there — locals, I presume — who were all jollily over-served and chatting with anyone and everyone who would listen. I had the Toad in the Hole, mainly because I wanted potatoes and I just like to say “Toad in the Hole.” It was fine. It was pub food. I enjoyed it. Anyone would. The loo was unmemorable. The Verdict: Your friends who are visiting will love it here.

Tagliolini with monk’s beard and anchovy sauce. I was hoping for a bit more anchovy. But still very good.
Burro e Salvia, Shoreditch: I think I kinda fell in love, guys. Small. Simple. Communal table in the back. Friendly staff who don’t hesitate to offer their opinion. Al dente (like real al dente) pasta. Oddly spacious loo for a place in Shoreditch. The only bummer? I DRANK A NATURAL WINE. I really have come to the conclusion that while I do find biodynamic wines oddly compelling (moonlight, anyone?), natural wines are just a little too funky for me. Go on, try to sway me in the comments. The Verdict: Yes.
Quality Chop House, Clerkenwell: I haven’t been here since like 2005? 2006? But still when I think “Quality Chop House,” I think “uncomfortable chairs.” They use those church pew things. So I tried to suggest we not get one of those church pew tables. But we still got one. My cousin was visiting from Florida and said, “That was place was weird” and he was referring both to the seating and the food. He had mince on toast for dinner, so I can see why he would think that. (To give my cousin’s culinary tastes some context, I took him to St. John and he refused to eat there because he said it looked like an asylum for the mentally ill.) My plump sardines at QCH were delicious though and everyone loves the place these days so I’d gladly go again. As long as we don’t have to sit in those pews. The Verdict: Go but don’t take your out-of-town guests here.
There’s more…somewhere…I’ll get there eventually…