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Why hello there…

by Krista

Moblogging. I’ve got it working!

So now, some questions:
Has anyone successfully posted  photo from the Sony w960i to Typepad by e-mailing the photo from the phone? When I try to do it, it comes out gibberish.
Does anyone know how to categorize posts from the Sony w960i to Typepad via the phone/e-mail?

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Mini-et-Moi 2008 -

Why hello! Is this a test? It’s not your usual style 😉

Krista 2008 -

Yes, I was playing around with mobile blogging. Now I can blog directly from my phone. If I don’t die in my sleep that is…As I was figuring this all out, some random guy knocked on my front door, claiming to be my neighbor but providing no further details. Then some other people knocked on my door about 5 mins later, claiming to really be my neighbours and asking if someone had knocked on my door. It was odd and I really am capturing this all in writing just in case these are my last words ever. I think I need to move.

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